What For
I played football in the house and oh what a thrill
Until the ball hit the flower pot and did spill
Oh to hide in my bedroom I did quickly go
For surely my mum will see the mess and will know
Like lightening what a blow to my arse by my bedroom door
With a scream of pain I said what’s that for
To which Mum replied I will give you what for
While in the garden with my little brother I did play
The water hose it was running and the flowers it did spray
Just then with a thought the hose I would get
I laughed and chased my little brother as he got wet
Yet again such a blow to my arse I did feel
With a scream of pain I said what’s that for
To which Mum replied I will give you what for
While all the guests arrived and their coats I did take
Mum was in the kitchen finishing the cake she did bake
I asked each guest what would they like, soda, coffee or tea
While they all look and say isn’t he a very polite little boy referring to me
Just then as my finger was fixing the snot in my nose
With a scream of pain I said what’s that for
To which Mum replied I will give you what for
So now as a parent with little boys to care and groom
When they are bold and bad they must go to their room
I am surprised when they ask me the question you know
As I did my mum so long ago
The answers is the same for each in turn
I’ll give you what’s for as you must learn