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Tag: Kindness

Not Easy Being Me!

Not Easy Being Me
So Mum and Dad what can I said
I grow and change now everyday
Trying to find out who I am and where I fit in
Looking for answers but where do I begin
You see these changes in me and yet you still don’t understand
Its support I need right now not that back of your hand

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Story Telling Tuesday

I was invited to speak at Story Telling Tuesday.  Apart from a few pieces of my Irish humour, I read from my book ‘The Savvy Child Within You’.  A good friend Trent, presented me with this photo a few days afterwards.  

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Don’t Worry

If you are concerned about where you will be in the next few weeks, months or years, don’t be.  When it comes to death one of your longest journeys, you have not got a clue where you are going.  Live each day and let your journey unfold as it is meant to be, live with an open heart and kindness towards others.   Make someone smile, laugh and have fun each day, as you show up in this world.   

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Thank You for Your Kind Words.

I receive this in a beautiful email with a lovely comment about my new book ‘The Savvy Child Within You’ “You know, I’m a firm believer that things present themselves in our lives at the right time and your book is a incredible example of this. I’m presently at the early pages of Chapter 8 and am so grateful for the read. So many things you have written are resonating loud and clear with me. It’s providing me with provoking thoughts and questions for myself, it’s providing me with clarity around the feelings I have but didn’t quite know how to voice, and it’s helping me truly put more value on myself and how I can shift my life to better reflect my true self! I have read many books over the years but there have been only a select few that have had a profound impact on me – your book is one of those select few.” – GH

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Guidance in Your World 2017

When I am unsure of what I must do, send my teachers and mentors to place the lessons before me so that I can learn, understand and grow in this world.  Encourage me to stay in the moment and reflect on what I must do next.  Guide me in goodness only and circle my life in the light of the heavenly stars.  Guide me so that I take from this earth only what I need.  While I am here,  my purpose is to do good and deliver to this world something special.  Let me not forget my curiosity and laughter as a child. Guide me with kindness and to always have my heart open.  Let me not worry about my next life for it is the lessons of this life I must learn.  Before I go let me teach others the knowledge that I gain so that they can understand and receive guidance to the next.  If I fail, let me learn under your guidance to keep trying until I succeed.   Photo source thanks to Pixabay    

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Coming Soon – keep your eyes open!

The Savvy Child Within You  Become successful in your life and business using the forgotten childhood wisdom. Why is that when we enter the world of business we lose the inner wisdom of the child within us. The laughter, curiosity, honesty and the willingness to play together. Learn how to find that child and continue always to seek its wisdom and truth to use it in your life and business world.

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Changing the way I am – New Poetry Book

My new poetry book coming out this autumn, in eBook and in full print. Dance your way to the new  Dance, dance in the wind of life Glad you were here and now going to your new beginning For your work is almost done You were once the new, busting with foliage, busting out, Laughing for the world with joy, shouting out I am here, look at me Your frame and structure to support you high and standing tall, Look up at me for this is my tree Clothing it during the hot summer to bear fruit and provided shelter to the animals who vacant  there Dance, dance in the wind of life Now show to all the other trees, you are changing colours and the forest will show to the sky Your wild beauty that you show in this world, leaving to let in the new Nourishing the earth during the winter so your roots do not get cold Dance, dance in the wind of life As you fall, standing naked for the world to see Knowing as you came to this world with the hope of love and you leave with the hope of being loved Now with your beautiful movements so elegant, you dance in the wind of life Will I show such beauty as I dance my way to the new?

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There are always two sides

I met this fantastic German lady who was all of 85 years old.  She arrived in Canada in 1947 and was now happly living here for the past 63 years. In our conversation I said you must have been in Germany during the Second World War where upon she started to tell me a story about her life at this time.  I was delighted to hear it and the clarity at which she told me was amazing as if it was only yesterday. She lived in Poland with her family, as after the First World War Poland had become an independent state and now occupied some lands that once belong to Germany.  When the German Army invaded Poland in 1939 she was a young girl of 14 years old.  She was then able to attend a German speaking school in Poland.  When she reached 17 years old she worked as a secretary for the German Army in Poland.  Towards the end of the war the Russian Army were advancing on the city which she was working and given the stories she had heard of the atrocities being committed by the advancing Russian troops she decided to try and escape as quickly as she could.  Her family lived over 30 kilometres away which was now in the hands of the Russian Army.  She approached the most senior ranking German Officer in the office in which she worked and asked would they take her with them if they were retreating back to Germany.  He was unsure of his orders and told her to be ready to go at a minutes’ notice. During one of the bombings on the city the following night instead of going to the air raid bunker she fled the city by train.  At that time one could only travel sixty kilometres on any given journey.  Before she left the army offices where she worked she managed to take an amount of ration books with her.  These ration books were extremely valuable at the time and she was able to use them along her route to encourage people to buy additional train tickets to take her further south. All the train carriages were occupied by German soldiers, during her long and dangerous train journey she sat on her small suit case on the outside between the carriages.  She described her journey in detail with her face and blonde hair turning black from the smoke of the train engine and the numerous attacks on the train by fighter planes.  Where she would have to get underneath the train for safety. Along the way she enquired of several people where would it be safe for her to get off the train and finally she did so in the small town in Bavaria.  She stayed here for nearly a year and with no idea of what had happened to her family back home. She knew the America and English armies were advancing but she was not too concerned.  When the surrender of Germany was announced in May 1945, there were celebrations in the town.  She along with some other friends watched the American soldiers enter the town.  She described them as they marched along the narrow street as doing some sort of funny movement with their mouths.  They were of course chewing gum, which she had never seen before, they handed out oranges and chewing gum and call out to the girls – “hey Blondie” they shouted she remembered. Now that the war was over she tried to trace her family back home, her father she knew was living in Canada as he had gone to seek work there in 1928 when she was only three years old.  She had no idea where he was living in Canada.  Her mother and older sister with two small children were somewhere in Poland if they had survived the war.  Her brother in law who was in the Germany army was also missing.  One day after work she went to lie down and prayed that she could remember where her father was.  In a dream she saw an envelope with is address clearly written on it, she awoke from the dream and wrote down immediately what she had seen in her vision.  She had a vision of an envelope with the name and address as she had seen as a child from the letters that her mother would receive from Canada before the start of the war.  In her dream she clearly saw her father’s name, address and the letters SAK –Sackatchewan Canada. That day she wrote  letter and posted it to her father.  Not know would it ever get to him and after a month of waiting one morning a letter arrived from her father in Canada. He was able to tell her that her mother, sister and children were alive but her brother-in-law was captured and he was in a concentration camp under Russian control.  It took over two years from that day to secure her documents and her place on a trip to join her father in Canada.  Three years later with the support of the Red Cross they were joined by her mother, sister and children and brother-in-law who was released from the concentration camp. She has now her own children and grand children all doing well.  She also shared with me the sadness she feels of selling her family home as she misses her own home, her yard and garden.  She told me her name and I have decided not to use it in this story. I thanked her for sharing her story with me while we passed the time and I greatly admired her courage and innovation.  She shined of a positive attitude and great determination in her live as she continues to travel to visit her family and friends across Canada.  One could feel a beautiful kindness in her heart.

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Act of Kindness

On February 27th I wrote that I noticed a sticker on the back of a car – Random Acts of Kindness. Last Sunday while out cycling I badly buckled the back wheel of my bike.  I tried to fix the wheel but it was well buckled and now jammed against the frame. I had no movement in the wheel at all.  I  started to walk home carrying my bike. Unknown to me a car had passed just after this incident happened and noticed I was struggling with the wheel of my bike.  As I passed a house along my way home a young lady approached me and asked me if I was OK and had I far to travel to which I replied “only a more few kilometres (approx 6km). She said that she and her husband had just passed me on the road and noticed I had some issue with my bike.  Her husband (John) then offered to put my bike in the boot of his car and drive me home.  I accepted his very kind offer.  I introduced myself and we chatted along the journey home talking of places we both knew and my afternoon of cycling. I was delighted with the lift home and the long walk it had saved me. So I am delighted to be able to report that Random Acts of Kindness are still out there, thank you John and your family for your very help. Who can you help today?

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