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Tag: Feelings

The secrets of the spiritual heart

Very few people understand the heart. In truth, your heart is one of the masterpieces of creation. It is a phenomenal instrument. It has the potential to create vibrations and harmonies that are far beyond the beauty of pianos, strings or flutes. You can hear an instrument, but you feel your heart. And if you think that you feel an instrument, itā€™s only because it touched your heart. Your heart is an instrument made of extremely subtle energy that few people come to appreciate. In most human beings, the heart does its work unattended. Even though its behaviour governs the course of our lives, it is not understood. If at any given point in time the heart happens to open, we fall in love. If at any given point in time it happens to close, the love stops. If the heart happens to hurt, we get angry, and if we stop feeling it altogether, we get empty. All of these different things happen because the heart goes through changes. These energy shifts and variations that take place in the heart run your life. You are so identified with them that you use the words ā€œIā€ and ā€œmeā€ when you refer to whatā€™s going on in your heart. But in truth, you are not your heart. You are the experiencer of you heart. Extract ā€“ Michael A Singer Image – Janet O’Halloran


Look Within Not Without

When your heart hurts because you are feeling sad, sit quietly and rest for a while Your heart will beat from within you and remind you that you are beautiful inside Seeking in your life the approval of others will not mend your heart, this will only prolong your pain Sit with your place of quietness and kindness to the self For the beauty of self is always within Stay quiet and look deeper inside for the forgiveness of any fault that you may feel is yours It is from the deepness within, that your soul will find you to forgive, if you need it Your soul will awaken the solution to your sadness and cure your hurt Your soul will not forsake you when you seek its guiding light even from your darkness Look within not without   Thanks to for the image.


Thought for Your Day!

I had the opportunity to read this the other day and thought I would share it. ā€œThe breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you Don’t go back to sleep! You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep! People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch, The door is round and open Don’t go back to sleep!ā€ Jalaluddin Rumi


Father’s Day

My Father the Hero Do we ever think of telling our dad how we feel about them? My father the hero, do I dare to tell? Yet I remember now as I look on his face so cold My dad the hero as he would comfort me in the night Screaming within my dreams, my dad stood there as I momentarily woke ā€œI have shooed them away, those fears within your head, those terrible folk Iā€™m here and they will not come back this night ā€œ Who would come now to scare me in my dreams as my Dad stood guard? From the comfort of his touch I would sleep well, tucked in tight The morning would come and into the kitchen I would stand Grumpy in my mood and still half asleep, I would snap and ignore my hero of the night Yet my Dad would smile and look at me with love Only the sandman in my eyes, breakfast on my mind I stand here now with tears in my eyes and ask why I never said Trying to make it okay within myself My Dad that kept me safe each night Yet he is gone now and I can still feel his presence in my ā€˜doorway of lifeā€™ Protecting me from my fears in the day or night He never faltered as I grew, to care and watch over me Here I stand feeling safe, made into the man I am I ask why I never told him how I felt, my old man My Dad the hero who encourages me, protects me, ensures I am safe


The Outside Does Not Work

We are born from the light within to make a difference Given birth and life to add to our world Curiosity, creativity, all natural in seeking new ways Maturity in life, to be better at all things We meet the light only to be captured by the dark We leave the dark only to enter back into the light Seeing for a short time both sides in a balance of life The darkness grows stronger, by greed, corruption and failing minds Mankind forever changing the balance The light struggles to stay light and show a better way We have choice, we think, yet pressured to surrender to the dark We have free will to make a difference in our balance Go within and find your light For the outside does not work  


Accross The Bar

This is a poem my sister gave me recently. It is written in the hand writing of my late mother who passed away last year. Recorded on an old piece of wall paper. I can only guess it was written about her Father who served in the British Navy during World War 1 Across The Bar He sits at the bar Surrounded by smoke Stares in his beer Nobody spoke Elderly, grey Perhaps deep in a dream Nobody speaking Nor asks what heā€™s seen Drinking too much Is he trying to forget? Hours in the sea Is the cold with him yet? Over the months I hear bits of his story Convoy Commander Once fighting for glory Who is to know Why the chap in the corner Drinks himself stupid Now old and a loner Oh! write me not off When you see me at first Perhaps I have reason For quenching my thirst Ā  Margaret Keady – Circa late 1930


Donā€™t wait for one day in the year make it every day

Last year on this very day I wrote a blog called Remind me again – its Valentineā€™s Day and wondered what I would write for today and I have chosen the same post with very minor changes as it is valid today as it was 365 days ago. Happy wishes to all lovers ā€“ and remember there are no limits when it comes to love.Ā  Love is in the eye of the beholder.Ā  Just think of the barriers people have placed before them as they seek to choose that special person in their life.Ā  They think that the person must be this or they must be that or they must look like this or that, they must have this or must have that. Ā These false believes, looking for the Hollywood image. If we all closed our eyes and listened to the personā€™s heart, forget about the looks, forget about the money and forget all those false images and wants.Ā  Just listen to their heart ā€“ for it is from there they will speak to you. When it all comes down to it, most of us just want to feel loved, have fun and be happy in our world.Ā  The person that will do this for you is the person that is right for you.Ā  One can have all the others false images but if you donā€™t have real love they have nothing.Ā  So make sure when you have found this in your life that you work hard to keep it and deliver on your commitments in this relationship.Ā  One way is to communicate on all levels, if you canā€™t do this then work at it, for communications is vital in a meaningful relationship. So for Valentineā€™s Day, one should not need just one day in the year to remind us to look after the one we love.Ā  One day to tell them that they are loved or to make a little fuss about them just on this day. Ā Or on this special day to have fun with them and make them laugh.Ā  For one day it will be your last day with the person you love, so do you need just this one day in the year called Valentineā€™s Day to remind you or will you remember every day. Change is in your hands donā€™t wait for Valentineā€™s Day for next year it may not come. Accept the divine imperfections of your beloved we all have them



Everyone has some story to be told or something they want to say, even get off their chest. Ā I know from my own experience that I have from time to time. Ā Only who do I talk too or who do I tell or will I tell anyone. Ā These are all choices that are up to YOU. Ā So often we just want to say what is on our mind and thatā€™s the end of it.Ā  Often we want to say that we have our own story but how do I get it out there? Ā Maybe it is just about writing it down and keeping it to yourself and sometimes itā€™s about writing it down and sharing it with others. If some of the great writers, singers, artists and musicians did not share their work with the world just think of what we would be missing in our lives. But who is listening to YOU? – Well I am If you want to tell a story or just get something off your chest, or just tell somebody something thatā€™s on your mind, well here is your chance. Ā Here is the opportunity to use my site to publish what you want to say – read moreĀ  Click here YOURĀ  LISTENING ROOM


Inner You

Listen to those from within, what are they telling you?Ā  Ask the questions you need answers for, they will come if you listen.Ā  Remember the saying ā€œI have a gut feelingā€ the body is never wrong when it is trying to tell you something. Therefore we have to be in tune with the listening. No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place – Zen


Learn to Love

ā€œLearn to Loveā€ What will I write what will I say My pen is dry my thoughts are confused this day Do I expect things to last While I try to forget times in my past Life will end for us one and all You never know when you will receive the call So be sure to live each day free Love and be loved this is lifeā€™s key You should never look to the past You need to love before your love will not last If you connect see into your heart Then find the one you love and make a start Forgive each day each another All those things that come to ye with some bother Look deep inside to find your love And give it away before you go above By Mel Clifford