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Tag: Commitment

There are always two sides

I met this fantastic German lady who was all of 85 years old.  She arrived in Canada in 1947 and was now happly living here for the past 63 years. In our conversation I said you must have been in Germany during the Second World War where upon she started to tell me a story about her life at this time.  I was delighted to hear it and the clarity at which she told me was amazing as if it was only yesterday. She lived in Poland with her family, as after the First World War Poland had become an independent state and now occupied some lands that once belong to Germany.  When the German Army invaded Poland in 1939 she was a young girl of 14 years old.  She was then able to attend a German speaking school in Poland.  When she reached 17 years old she worked as a secretary for the German Army in Poland.  Towards the end of the war the Russian Army were advancing on the city which she was working and given the stories she had heard of the atrocities being committed by the advancing Russian troops she decided to try and escape as quickly as she could.  Her family lived over 30 kilometres away which was now in the hands of the Russian Army.  She approached the most senior ranking German Officer in the office in which she worked and asked would they take her with them if they were retreating back to Germany.  He was unsure of his orders and told her to be ready to go at a minutes’ notice. During one of the bombings on the city the following night instead of going to the air raid bunker she fled the city by train.  At that time one could only travel sixty kilometres on any given journey.  Before she left the army offices where she worked she managed to take an amount of ration books with her.  These ration books were extremely valuable at the time and she was able to use them along her route to encourage people to buy additional train tickets to take her further south. All the train carriages were occupied by German soldiers, during her long and dangerous train journey she sat on her small suit case on the outside between the carriages.  She described her journey in detail with her face and blonde hair turning black from the smoke of the train engine and the numerous attacks on the train by fighter planes.  Where she would have to get underneath the train for safety. Along the way she enquired of several people where would it be safe for her to get off the train and finally she did so in the small town in Bavaria.  She stayed here for nearly a year and with no idea of what had happened to her family back home. She knew the America and English armies were advancing but she was not too concerned.  When the surrender of Germany was announced in May 1945, there were celebrations in the town.  She along with some other friends watched the American soldiers enter the town.  She described them as they marched along the narrow street as doing some sort of funny movement with their mouths.  They were of course chewing gum, which she had never seen before, they handed out oranges and chewing gum and call out to the girls – “hey Blondie” they shouted she remembered. Now that the war was over she tried to trace her family back home, her father she knew was living in Canada as he had gone to seek work there in 1928 when she was only three years old.  She had no idea where he was living in Canada.  Her mother and older sister with two small children were somewhere in Poland if they had survived the war.  Her brother in law who was in the Germany army was also missing.  One day after work she went to lie down and prayed that she could remember where her father was.  In a dream she saw an envelope with is address clearly written on it, she awoke from the dream and wrote down immediately what she had seen in her vision.  She had a vision of an envelope with the name and address as she had seen as a child from the letters that her mother would receive from Canada before the start of the war.  In her dream she clearly saw her father’s name, address and the letters SAK –Sackatchewan Canada. That day she wrote  letter and posted it to her father.  Not know would it ever get to him and after a month of waiting one morning a letter arrived from her father in Canada. He was able to tell her that her mother, sister and children were alive but her brother-in-law was captured and he was in a concentration camp under Russian control.  It took over two years from that day to secure her documents and her place on a trip to join her father in Canada.  Three years later with the support of the Red Cross they were joined by her mother, sister and children and brother-in-law who was released from the concentration camp. She has now her own children and grand children all doing well.  She also shared with me the sadness she feels of selling her family home as she misses her own home, her yard and garden.  She told me her name and I have decided not to use it in this story. I thanked her for sharing her story with me while we passed the time and I greatly admired her courage and innovation.  She shined of a positive attitude and great determination in her live as she continues to travel to visit her family and friends across Canada.  One could feel a beautiful kindness in her heart.

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What a Challenge 32-32-32

As you have read each week I have been following Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw who on Monday 2nd August 2010 completed 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days. What a great challenge and commitment both these guys have achieved together.  They have run over 838 miles in just 32 days, achieving better times nearly every day.  The more they got into this epic event, the stronger and stronger they seem to become.  This challenge was completed for Charity so please visit their site and donate what you can. Don’t wait to start the changes you want to make in your life – it can be done.  From what we have just witnessed and all the comments they may have received that they might not succeed, their own inner worries about injuries and completing this task, they over came them all. Well Done Gerry and Ken and all your support team members

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What a Challenge Four Weeks On

Just four weeks ago I wrote about this tremendous challenge and the commitment and determination that would be required to complete such an epic task.  To date 28 Marathons have been completed in great times and they are almost there.  Today Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw will commence their 29th Marathon in a row, running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days.  Bank Holiday Monday August 2nd will see their great achievement being reached.  The amount of commitment and determination both guys have put in is almost unbelievable.  So get out and support them. Remember this is for Charity so please visit their site and donate what you can. Don’t wait to start the changes you want to make in your life – it can be done Please join in or follow them on their journey

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What a Challenge Three Weeks On

Today in the home of the Ulster Champions 2010 County Tyrone (Sorry County Monaghan) both Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw will commence their 22nd Marathon of their epic challenge of running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days.  So lads only 10 more Marathons in 10 more Counties in 10 more Days left, you are on the home stretch now. It has been amazing to follow this great challenge and see the run times getting better each stage of the journey.  Remember this is for Charity so please visit their site and donate what you can. Don’t wait to start the changes you want to make in your life – it can be done Please join in or follow them on their journey

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What a Challenge Two Weeks On

Its Friday once again and how quickly the week flies in.  Its two weeks on since Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw started out on their epic challenge of running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days.  Tomorrow Saturday will be the half way mark and after today’s marathon in County Offaly they will have run over 390 miles since they started out on the 2nd July.  The demonstration of determination and commitment that we see is almost unbelievable and especially seen Ken suffer as he went into last weekend. It was great to read the wonderful stories of support Ken received from individuals who just wanted to be there for him. I hope you are continuing to follow them and make whatever contribution you can to their selected Charity.  Even it is only 1 penny per mile it will make a difference as very penny counts.  All details are on their website and their daily blog about this incredible challenge. Just stop what you are doing for one minute and think to yourself what is it that you have always want to do in your life and have as yet not face this challenge?  Remember the change is in your hands and everything is possible if you want it, so start today don’t wait! Please join in and follow them on their journey.

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What a Challenge One Week On

Starting in County Cork today Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw are now on their eight marathon.  This is part of the epic challenge of running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days. Added together they have been running for well over 30 hours up to yesterday.  After today they will have completed the first quarter of their great challenge.  Keep it up and well done.  Don’t forget this is a unique fundraising event so log on their web site and make a donation today every penny helps. Please join in or follow them on their journey.

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What a Challenge

All the best wishes to Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw who are setting out today to complete the epic challenge of running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days. This is a unique fundraising event.  They will be joined by hundreds of supporters all over the island of Ireland.  This challenge requires great commitment, discipline and determination to succeed. Something we all need if we are going to meet the challenges in our lives whatever they may be. It makes my walk on St Patrick’s Day seem like a walk to the shops Ha! Ha! I wish them all the best and please join in or follow them on their journey (web link inserted).

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16.2 Miles for AWARE

On St Patrick.s Day I walked from Dun Laoghaire Harbour to Howth Harbour in aid of AWARE (their strap line is helping to defeat depression) a total of 16.2 miles.  It was a beautiful day and all along the route we met many other walkers with happy smiles on their faces.  It started out great with some fast walking, as I reached Sutton Cross I could feel my legs getting weak and very sore, with only 2.3 miles left to go.  It would be true to say that I would not walk this type of distance in one go.  I try and walk every day for 30- 40 minutes only.  So I needed to maintain focus and determination to complete this walk especially at the final mile or so.  After setting out from Dun Laoghaire at 10.45am I finally reached Howth Harbour at 15.15 which included a short 30 minute break along the way. I met some lovely people who had taken part in the walk as we all enjoyed a well deserved cool drink. I was delighted with my achievement and I was just one of several hundred other walkers who took part, especially a young boy from Monaghan aged 10 years named Ethan. I would say he was one of the youngest walkers.  I have posted some of the photos I took along the way on the gallery page. Visit the AWARE web site , one never knows you could join us next year. The Tattoo on the leg of a walker reads “Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt”

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