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Tag: Change

Let’s Talk – Social Media is Dead

The growth of communications via social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn, blogging and such like has been unbelievable over the past few years.  Facebook is now claiming that it’s fastest growing group are females between the ages of 55 – 65.  Those born in the mid 1990’s have grown up with cell phones, texting, email and Facebook as part of their day to day lives. Recently we have seen the very positive capacities and usages of Social Media in the Vancouver riots in Canada and the Northern African conflicts. As always there is a flip side – has the art of starting and holding a good conversation been lost?  Where is the art of starting or holding a good conversation with someone face to face gone?  From what I can observe the teenagers and early twenties are holding the majority of their discussions over the internet using social media networks.  Young couples are texting each other from within the same room both working on their laptops or iPhones.  Is this the way of the future?  Has social media taken over the art of conversation? What has happened to being able to actually start a conversation and talk face to face with someone?  Talk over the telephone instead of texting.  Is there a danger that qualities and skills might disappear and the main form of communication will be via technologies networks?  How will individuals related to each other as couples and as work colleagues?  Maybe in years to come we will be running classes again on the art of communications teaching people how to just talk to each other again. All said, maybe the opposite is that we are being trained in the learning of telepathy.  Given that those using all of the social media networks are interconnected by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Blogging.  So what does that mean?  Well let’s put it this way, the connections possible worldwide, and the ability to tune into several discussions at the same time from anywhere in the world at anytime opens up possibilities.  If technology can pick up on these waves why can’t the human brain?  Well whales use brain waves to signal to other whales hundreds of miles away, as humans we not learn these skills yet.  Research into Technologies and brain connection were conducted back in the 1970’s in the University of California Los Angeles UCLA. “At this moment, parapsychologists and paraphysicists have not yet learned enough about telepathic communication to positively verify that telepathy is a real phenomenon, at least as far as the mainstream scientific community is concerned. However, the evidence is mounting up and research is continuing, with many already convinced that with the right training, anyone can develop and use their natural telepathic communication abilities.  “ Reference June 2011 Social Media technologies are the training ground in teaching our brains the capability to have all multiple discussions.  Does this mean by using telepathy that all those “following” or whom “Follow”, or those that we share as “friends Only” see our inner thoughts?  NO it is my opinion that our brains will have the ability to recognise only those thoughts we wish to share.  Those thoughts that we don’t want to share will remind in safe corridors with built-in self protection so that we the “unique self “will survive. The University of Maryland in a global study of young adult’s use of media, found that students actually experience symptoms akin to drug withdrawal.  Thus the effect on ones brain and its requirement to be stimulated again and again from the use of social media.  “The study’s conclusions also draw light to the fact that the youth of today are “fickle” and do not care where their information comes from, rather it is the information itself that is coveted the most” Reference  Jan 2011 Like internet social media our brains will be able to tune in and out of discussions as and when we wish.  We will still be able to block and hide our inner thoughts have spam detectors and get rid of junk interference.  Maybe our brain will need to grow much larger than they are today or we will reactivate the dormant areas that we are always been told we have to cope with the information explosion we are facing.  The Tom Cruise 2002 Movie The Minority Report  demonstrates the use of preventative thoughts from monitoring brain waves to protect society “In Washington, D.C., in the year 2054, murder has been eliminated.  The future is seen and the guilty punished before the crime has ever been committed.”  Reference But will we lose the intimacy and been able to see the laughter and fun on our faces, the expressions we made and the touch, feeling of a hug or kiss and the mystery of you. Communication is vital in our lives but not by social media alone – so talk to someone face to face – maybe this post is a few years or centuries too soon?

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Message from a Hostel –God Save Queen

Alistair I just heard on the radio that the Queen was in Ireland all week.  Radio ga ga Radio gu gu, Nora, where were they playing?  No Alistair the Queen was visiting Dublin and did you know she is 85 years old.  I want to live forever – I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike. They held a big dinner for her at Dublin Castle last night.  All the who’s who were there, Alistair.  Wow Nora Under pressure – another one bites the dust, Alistair I am serious it was the Queen of England not the band. Hey Nora, all those who’s who do you think your man Joe and his Missus from three doors up were at the dinner?  Be the hooky Alistair you could be right.  I would say Nora that’s why they header off you know. It’s great Nora the Queen visiting Ireland, fair play to her -a great Lady.

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Read your License Plates – Canada

Beautiful British Columbia, Wild Rose Country, Yours to Discover, …..and so on… My question is – for how long and will your children have the same straplines on their number plates – Yours to Decide! Only new to Canada I have been asked in general conversation by the young and new first time voters who they should vote for in the coming elections.  I am remained of the voting history in Ireland where most families voted as their parents did.  If your parents voted for a particular party then so did you not really understanding why.  That’s what your parents did so it must be OK – how very wrong we were.  Look at the mess that Ireland is in and the levels of greed which brought it there.  It is most likely that most parents aged 45+will not be living in 50 years, but our children and their children will be. So in response to this question I say Canada vote GREEN PARTY.  – Why –I don’t really understand the difference between the right and the left parties or the parties who say they are in the middle.  But I do know the Green Party have you and your children’s future environmental issues on their agenda. Then I hear from the young voters, but most people of years 55+ will vote Conservative Party as they have always done as they don’t want change.  So I say to those 55 years + voters place your children and their children’s future first not yours as you will not have to live on this earth as they will. Read your licence plates and practice what you preach. Now is the time for change not in the years to come when it’s too late. If any of the other parties would like to tell me why not I am happy to listen– ?

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Six Questions about Organisational Culture

Q        What is organisational culture? A        What gets honoured in the organisation gets delivered Q        Who creates organisational culture? A        You do Q        How does organisational culture get implemented? A        By the behaviours of individuals in the organisation Q        How do you change organisational culture? A        Change your behaviours Q        Who changes organisational culture? A        You do Q        When should organisational culture change? A        When you no longer believe in it

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One Year On – Taking Personal Responsibility

I started posting blogs just over one year ago and I am delighted to say that I am still blogging.  I have been told in a kind comment from Evelyn Lim that most bloggers don’t reach the year mark. For me I hope to continue and create many more blogs in the coming years.  Most of all thank you the readers for continuing to visit my website and provide support with your kind comments and suggestions.  They are well received and I look forward to your comments and feedback in the future. One of the most beneficial aspects for me personally is that I am living my blog and making those changes I want to make in my life. Believe in yourself and your dreams and don’t forget to make someone smile today. Please pass on my web address just to one new person today as a good recommendation is priceless.  Thank you in advance

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Work Work enjoyable or not Working for a living or living for work Questions we ask but seldom answer Upset by our thoughts each day Costly to those who we ignore while we work away Pretending that we enjoy what we do Who and where do we get our praise From within work by those who don’t really care Others we love get cheated by our time away Work a wasteful journey and wasteful mind Work why do we do it and what do we get Taking our best years and leaving us with full of regret So for work enjoy what you do For your life will go and work will leave nothing for you Fire yourself and do what you do For this is the real work that can be surely you Believe in yourself and your dreams

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What will make Micheál Martin different?

Firstly let me say that I have no affiliation to any particular party in Ireland. Listening to Micheál Martin over the years all I can seem to remember for some reason is “Me Me Me” or “I”  “I” “I” coming out of his mouth.  This would suggest that he has a major self ego which does not fit well for team work or accepting faults and blame.  Reminds me of the “it wasn’t me it was all their fault” – childish attitude.  I often write about valuing the child within but in this case I think you know what I mean. I have one question for the new leader of Fianna Fáil, is what makes you any different from the rest?  Please don’t tell me you party policies or what you have done or better still what you presided over for the past 15 years, like it or Michael you were part of the problem.  So back to the question what makes you any different? When will he have trust and honesty in the political system?

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Message from a Hostel – Metric or Imperial

The world has created standard forms of measurement to assist us in working out lengths and weights commonly known as Weights and Measures.  Although Yankee Doodle Land and Auntie Lizy Land have not caught up with the rest of the world and still operate in gallons, miles, yards and pints etc, the old imperial way.  Nora has her own system for the measurement of distances, it’s very simple it only has three measurements.  They are – Not too Far, Far and Very Far. Travelling along on the Yellow Brick Road when Nora asked Alastair what is the distance between the wicked witches house in the West to the Kingdom of Oz.  Alastair replied hold on Nora till I consult the map and the GPS, to which Nora responded listen Alastair its either not too far, far or very far, which is it.  Well Nora let me check the distance in Kilometres or Miles, Ah Alastair just tell me what you think, well Nora I would say it’s far.  Not very Far, Alastair no Nora it is far away. Nora what would be far far far away in your measurement system?  Ah Alastair that would be f**Kin miles away, right Nora we will not go there then said Alastair. The world of music has only 7 different notes and think of all the beautiful songs that have been written.  So in Nora’s world it has 3 simple measurements of distance so think of all the beautiful places that they can take you. What is stopping you from going to where you know you should go?

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Be what you are now don’t wait till then

Be what you are now don’t wait till then When will I ever know the way in life to go When will I ever know if this is right for me When will the rain come we never know Let life live itself from within Let life live and grow from within As a child I wondered and had curiosity in my world Play time was all part of my day and life Never ending, no worries no tears of sorrow Why does our world have to change to be new Why does man kill and instil greed Power and judgement is not for us but only for the one we know Life is what you want the devil is who you know Greed will kill you and take you to your hell When will the rain come we will never know Don’t wait around be what you are now don’t wait till then By Mel Clifford

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Message from a Hostel –Lets plays I spy

I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter A, I’m sleeping Alastair just keep driving.  Nora is this the way to Amarillo, yes Alastair why – because very night I have been hugging my pillow dreaming dreams of Amarillo and sweet Marie who waits for me.  Who the f**K is Marie that you are dreaming about is it some x from the past.  No not at all Nora, there is no Marie it’s a song by Tony Christie.  Oh OK then just keep your eyes on the road and watch your speed. What’s your song about Albuquerque then Alastair its only 288 miles, how about this line I have left that girl so many times before by the time I get to Albuquerque she will be working she will probably stop for lunch and give me a call.  I hope you don’t have a song for all the way home.  Let’s follow the signs Nora and see what songs come up.  Pull over Alastair I am driving, look over there Nora more cows – nothing like a little distraction from the old routine.

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