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Tag: Accountability

Selecting the right candidate for the Job

Here are some interview questions that might support you in your selection process for the right person for the job. Six simple questions that we could ask each candidate to help in our selection. 1. Do you practice and value honesty and trust? 2. Do you practice and value fairness and equality? 3. Do you respect individuals who take and accept accountability for their actions? What do you think the right answers should be to the first three questions?  Let’s say it is YES to all questions. We will move onto the next set of three questions Do you think it is OK to? 4. Contribute to and oversee bad business, financial practices and policies that destroy individual’s lives 5. Claim expenses or grants (funding) that you know you are not really entitled to receive 6. To reward and give large pays off for those who oversee misspending and fraudulent regulations within their departments. What do you think the right answers should be to these three questions?  Let’s say it is NO to all questions. If you were the employer and you identified that for the first set of three questions the individual(s) did not behave with any of these qualities, what would you do? If you were the employer and you identified that for the second set of questions the individual(s) did operate and manage correctly these activities and that these activities were acceptable to them, what would you do? I think your answer would be to not entrust or employ them with the responsibility to carry out whatever job you had for them.  If they held the position already you would fire them from their position.  In the real world you can fire them or imprison them for their actions but if they are politicians then this is another world where you can’t fire them.  They just resign and walk away with a large pay off. Remind you of anything? – more rotten apples in the barrel – Next time I will be very careful in my selection process what about YOU?

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When it’s rotten throw it out

Yet again more rotten apples in the barrel.  I have written before about people taking personal responsibility and accountability for their actions.  It seems to me that these values and qualities do not exist within the Government ranks for certain Politicians and Senators.  Again we see more issues of miss spending.  Yes the old expenses claims – even the dogs in the street know that these claims are taking the P***.  This in my opinion is boarding on fraudulent actions. But what will happen?…..if it was you or me we would be fired from our Company and have great difficulty getting another job.  But if you are a Minister or Senator who are suppose to be responsible for representing the people of this country, you will be OK as nothing will happen.  You see this is acceptable behaviour and accountability is not required in these jobs.  Also to add to this the “Old Party” will circle its wagons and support you, because this is how politics in Ireland works. Rotten to the core – don’t mind what they say watch their behaviour.

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Personal Accountability

Why do Irish politicians not accept personal accountability for their actions in public life? Look at the recent events and scandals with semi-state spending, expenses and decision on infrastructure projects, and the enormous over-spends and wastage. Yet not one public employee or minister has been fired. Why? It is a shame on those who know what the right position is to take,  yet do not have the courage to make those decisions or take action. They make all the excuses – and hide behind legal advice. Thankfully, I still believe there are other legal people that would offer different advice  and take the  right course of action. One’s charter is one of the most important things in your life. Our current politicians (with no emphasis on any particular party) have a lot to answer for yet not one of them will accept accountability and take action. All I can say is – you have failed to fulfill your commitment to the people that you serve. Failure to stand up and do what is right is a failure of leadership. Recently a CEO within an organisation was directly informed of an employee at management level who was dishonest. His behaviour was totally unprofessional and he bullied individuals, yet the CEO failed to do the right thing, failed to take action and demonstrate that such behaviour was not acceptable or to be tolerated within their organisation. What a weakness in their leadership. What does this demonstrate to others within the organisation,  except that it is OK to behave like this, that this behaviour is acceptable? This is just a small example, but when our politicians are doing the same thing – then what is the culture they create within our society? How come they expect others in society to be accountable for their actions and behaviours but not them? Find me an honest politician and you will find a true leader that people will respect and follow. Why? Because they will be accountable. When the time comes they will do the right things. I had finished writing this blog when I heard on the radio that George Lee resigned from politics for his own reasons. And most of the people have commented on his honesty and willingness to create changes. I don’t know George Lee at all, but here is a man that has taken accountability for his own decisions and stood up to be counted. If there were only others like him, who stated, “Yes there is something very wrong with the systems we have.” I have also heard on the radio some of the negative comments about his decision. If you are not honest with yourself – who can you be honest with? Do you accept accountability for your actions? Remember – what gets honoured in an organisation or country – gets done. Where is your personal leadership and dignity for yourself?

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