Not Easy Being Me
So Mum and Dad what can I said
I grow and change now everyday
Trying to find out who I am and where I fit in
Looking for answers but where do I begin
You see these changes in me and yet you still don’t understand
Its support I need right now not that back of your hand
I’m not you, only from you and this you must see
Stop trying to make me like you wanted to be,
Let me be just me
I feel your love but it must come free of your conditions
Did you not learn from your parents when you were in the same position
So Mum and dad what can I say
I am growing further away from you every day
Is this natural when you were young were you not the same
Let me be to understand this world of youth
You know it will not be long before I have to find out the truth
So Mum and Dad what can I say
Just love me and let me for now be this way
From the poetry book – Changing The Way I am