Have you a balance in your life?

In the Chinese tradition we are now entering into the year of the Golden Tiger on February 14, 2010.

We are leaving 2009 which was the year of the Ox, so one could say we are coming for the back of the Ox onto the way forward of the Tiger. The Ox represents hard work, and is patient and tireless in its work. I am sure 2009 for many of us was just that hard work – and taking very little risk.

The Tiger represents courage, power, passion and royalty. The Tiger also symbolizes the female Yin energy, which I believe we need more of in creating a balance in the world right now, just as we are coming out of a very dominate male Yang energy.

We have seen and experienced where that has got us in the world. For example the financial crisis and fear of terrorist attacks.

We are very lucky to be entering this period as the world itself is creating a balance (as it always will) in order to survive. Yet, for the Golden Tiger to bring this balance,  we need to ensure  our contributions  balance with Yin energy.

The Tiger is daring, courageous, and passionate – and so must we be in our lives going forward. We must have the courage to continue and live our dreams, we must dare to be different, as we are each unique. Different from the crowd. Not just going along with what we know is wrong. We must have the passion in our hearts  in order to provide those in our lives with the help and support they may need.

The Chinese word for a crisis is Wēijī which means both danger and opportunity.

This one word  balances  two meanings,  opposites which protect each other.

In my many years work with individuals and groups I have continually examined where the imbalance may be in any of the following areas of their lives: Health, Relationships, Finances, Career, Spiritual. Whenever this imbalance shows up it often indicates a difficulty within one’s personal growth, and often the ability to move on with their lives. So we must look at each area and understand where we feel the crisis is, and seek the opportunity to heal, grow, and move forward.

Many of you reading this may well know internally where you feel the imbalance is in your life. Some of you may be blind to it and need the right support to help find it.

For some it maybe having the courage to do what is right. For others it will be taking that first step to put things right in your life – the step you know you should take for you and others.

While I was writing this blog it reminded me of a book I recently read written by Brendan Foley ‘The Yin Yang Complex’ it is well worth reading.

So starting now in this year of the Golden Tiger  -have the courage and passion to make the changes you know you must in your world.

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Mel Clifford

Experienced coach & consultant dedicated to personal growth. Offering coaching, public speaking, & insightful books on personal development & business management.


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