Doctor, Doctor what do you prescribe
All these pills we must put inside
These pills at night we are ordered to take
Again in the morning when we wake
Some are for our pain and some for our good sight
These pills Doctor will have me as high as kite
Doctor, Doctor what did you prescribed
My tummy is rumbling all inside
Doctor oh what will I do
These pills you gave me just make me poo
Doctor, Doctor when you said these pills would keep me right
I did not think all I could was shit
These pills you gave me large and small
Have my bathroom destroyed even the wall
I came to see you for a little chat and tell you of a pain in my toe
But Doctor just said this blue pill will help you to go
Doctor, Doctor you have me confined to my toilet, day and night
These dam blue pills keeping making shite
Doctor, Doctor I glad I did not come to see you about my heart
For with these pills you have me too frightened to fart
These pills you have prescribed, Doctor have you any idea
The pain of this terrible diarrhoea
But Doctor when I am better and off this loo
I will call and see you again and guess what I’ll do
In good health I find you that’s what I hope
Doctor, Doctor guess where I am going to shove your stethoscope
Copyright – Mel Clifford