Comment Policy will not pre-moderate any comments or feedback received in response to any of our daily updates.  In fact, I welcome any and all of your thoughts and feedback whether they be in support or critical of my posts. will not remove or censor any comments or feedback except in situations where they are:

  • Abusive
  • Off-topic (they may be moved rather deleted)
  • Attacking other people making comments
  • Promoting hate of any kind
  • Using excessively foul language
  • Spam (automated or otherwise)

All comments are filtered through spam filtering technology as provided by WordPress. The spam-filtering technology isn’t perfect, and from time to time it flags legitimate emails (false positives).

If you find that your feedback or comment isn’t immediately visible, it may have mistakenly been flagged as spam.  I review all posts flagged as spam regularly, so it may eventually appear.  You can also Contact me to follow up if you require.  Thanks again for taking the time to read this policy.