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Category: Comments on Current Affairs

Politics – what a waste of energy !

As most Governments will run their full term why is it that the political parties in most counties are concentrating on how to get whichever party who are currently in Government out of power instead of what might be best for their citizens?  Why are they not working together for the betterment of the economic position to support their citizens? One would think that given the current conditions of counties who are suffering today this might be every politician’s priority instead of the individual greed and personal interest.  One party is trying to stay in power and the other side trying to get into power. What happened to lets sort out the mess first and deal with who caused it later.  What happened to working together and all the stuff that they preach but never seem to implement within their own parties?  Maybe the politicians might learn something from working together and with each other, maybe the country might be a far better place for the future, just maybe their egos could take a back seat just for once. In who’s interest are these power struggle games that they are playing, definitely not in the interest of the citizens.  What a waste of energy and lack of common sense.

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55,000 New Jobs per year No excuses please

One Tuesday this week I made comments about an article I read very recently on leadership and the pressures it carries and what one should do published in the Globe and Mail Newspaper.  As I stated in my post it was very basic stuff.  I made comments on what I believed were the required skills to lead either an organisation or a country for that matter.  Just recently the leader of the Irish Government Mr. Brian Cowen made a big deal about calling in, wait for it 11 Senior CEO’s who have responsibility for job creation in Ireland to account for themselves. Now if you had an organisation where you were paying 11 CEO’s to create jobs within your business would you expect them to deliver?  If they did not deliver what would you do about it? Well Brian Cowen and his 11 senior people not including a full ministerial position must have had a great little chat and then went off about their business again. In my managerial opinion I would have kept the meeting short and simple and delivered the following message to each of the CEO’s including the Minister responsible. “Each of you have to create 5,000 new jobs each year for the next three years, if you are not able to do this then you should not be in the job for which you are well paid to carry out.  So if you have not delivered the required amount not 4,999 but 5,000 new jobs at the end of each year’s please send your resignation to me and I will find someone that can do the job you are being paid to do” Now that’s leadership, for if I was not delivering on the job I was paid to carry out I would be held accountable and fired.  So what’s so different about each and every one of these 11 CEO’s and there numerous staff. It’s simple 11 senior highly paid state agencies executives by 5,000 new jobs each equal 55, 000 new jobs which in turn equals 165,000 over three years.  It is only 25,000 jobs more than the so called FAS agency is projecting in a recent report based on their five years time frame. End of discussion end of meeting and no excuses.

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Watch and learn my Friend

Just this week Cuba announced it will lay off over 500,000 state employees, yes 500,000.Why?  They need to take action now to support and save their economy. The Government intend to move more into the free-market and therefore are laying off those workers who are less productive.  These workers will be expected to find jobs in the private sectors not an easy transition.  Although they have been working with a large black market in order to supplement their very low state incomes. What a about Ireland what have they have done only a three year deal with their bed fellows not to make anyone redundant in the public sectors even the unproductive employees, great business decision, sure we will have a few more drinks and see how we get on. What about those in Cuba who will remain in the state sector?  They will face new salary restructures and bonus based only on productivity achievements.  Again remind you of anywhere except for the bit about been made redundant.  Productivity when does one expect to see this productivity happening? This is the big question and yet to date what and where are the results in Irealnd? Watch and learn my Cuban friends watch and learn!

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Who are they protecting?

It seems to me that there are more rules and regulations in place to protect those that waste Government money then there are to protect those that just want to do a good job within the Public Sector.  Protecting those that make claims of false and excessive expenses, those that sign off on major pay offs for individuals who contribute to the wastage.  What about those that care and really work hard at what they do to contribute to a better service/society.  Does nobody have the courage to stand up and do what is right? What does suspended mean in the public sector? Does it mean:- Have a nice break or holiday for a few weeks on full pay until this all blows over! We think you have been taking the piss with your expenses so ease off and wait till this all blows over and don’t do it again (what happened to the word stealing!!) Listen we have to be seen to do something so just lay low for a few weeks and apologise (oh! forgot we don’t do apologises – just say you have done nothing wrong and you will be proven innocent when there is an enquiry) Listen we have real problems and we are going to use you to keep the journalists side tracked and away from the real problems so don’t worry we see you right on this- wink -wink What happened to the word “your fired”? The issues are coming hard and fast it is difficult to keep on top of them all.  Maybe for once we could have a league style table of all the issues over the past few years.  Published  once per week in a national newspaper and just add the new ones so we can keep track and focus.  Here is just a very small sample of suggested heading and only a very small sample of the recent issues. Issue Action taken by Government Cost to taxpayer Post Tunnel Overspend None €150Million overspend Luas Overspend None €471Million Overspend Electronic Voting Machines and Storage None €52 Million and €800,000 per year to store M50 Toll Bridge None €500 million+ Purchase of Land Dublin Dock New Prison None €427 Million purchase price €35 Million Anglo Irish Bank Other Irish Banks Support and Pay rises None €BILLIONS Dear Great grand Children greed left you this debt The HSE Management and its management structures, the Ballymun Water Tower, the Minister and TD’s expenses claims and on and on and on. We erect plagues and monument to celebrate success what about one to remind us of the corruption and greed that exists.  We easily forget and just focus on the latest scandal – I feel it is important that there is a chart published each week with all of the issues and a running total so those individuals responsible can be reminded of their failures.

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Who Will Break the Mould?

I have not written around the area of politics lately but I feel the complete lack of accountability and responsibility taken by a lot of Politicians is becoming more ridiculous. There are those who are doing considerable good work and are extremely effective in their roles and unfortunately get tarnished with the same brush.  But those politicians and public servants who are totally ineffectiveness and mismanage their positions never get fired from their jobs –Why? There seems to be a total lack of common sense missing in their world.  I have come to the conclusion that there must be a set of rules or codes written that one is given when they enter the political arena.  In my opinion the following rules must be within the top ten. Rule Book – How to be a Successful Politician  1 -10 Never admit to anything unless you are 100% sure you will get positive credit for it Never tell the truth, even if you can’t get away with it and you have to step aside for a while there is always away out for you with full benefits and pay Never under any circumstances accept accountability or responsibility for anything – always ensure you have someone else or agency to blame You are only in office for a five year periods , so if you are totally infective you can always get elected again with the same old crap only this time dress it up more and hire some consultants (family members) to assist you Always promise everything and delivery nothing on time or within the agree budget or that works as it should. Always claim as much expenses as possible under the systems available (its call milking the system or taking the piss) If you have another public service job make sure you can return to it at any stage with all benefits and pensions still available to you Travel as much as you can and bring as many family members with you. Various trips can be found in the politician’s manual under J for junkets.  Look for the trips and conferences that are of no value to the position you may hold or your country, these are the best ones to go on.  For example “The Impact of Tropical rain fall on the kiwi fruit” is a good one because you can add “The impact of Tropical rain fall on the kiwi fruit and its knock on effects to the school going children of county?” It is vital you always have the “add on” phase, samples can be found in your manual under F for found out. Make sure that when those (your friends) you have placed in positions of authority (state agencies and boards) really mess up that you get them the largest pay off and pensions available, as it could be your turn next. Functions and dinners are free so ensure you drink and eat well If you can follow these rules to the letter and are very comfortable in doing so – then politics is for you – Or – will you write new rules and serve the people and society you are elected to serve?

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Innocent Until Proven Guilty

If you had a team of people working for you who were guilty of the following actions and who ran your business into the ground and left generations to come with an enormous debt because of their inabilities and self greed, what would you do? Charge Sheet Totally incompetent Total lack of any accountability for their actions Total waste of financial resources Totally overpaid for the positions they hold Dishonest with their expenses and claiming for grants Major over spending and wastage on projects vs. actual budgeted cost Purchasing of equipments in excess of €53Million that would never be used and continue to cost the company just under €1M per year to store Decentralisation of the business at an enormous cost to you and then decentralisation would not take place and continue to cost the company Oversee the development of software systems that would cost over €170M and then never deliver anything.  Pay for top consultancy advise in the region of €60M to support this project and produce failure Appointment of individuals to Boards who were incompetent and who would oversee financial wastage Provide opportunities to their select few at the total expense of the majority Total mismanagement of the business and its assets Blame everyone else except themselves and their colleagues Provide large payoffs to those who were incompetent Expect it is their right to walk away scot free without any charges or being brought to justice for their actions “Shall I go on your Honour?” I put it to you the people what is your verdict?  “Guilty as charged your Honour”. I ask the people –  and what will you do now? – “Nothing your Honour” Then I say to you the people you deserve what you have got. Because if you continue to do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got  Change is in your hands

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Selecting the right candidate for the Job

Here are some interview questions that might support you in your selection process for the right person for the job. Six simple questions that we could ask each candidate to help in our selection. 1. Do you practice and value honesty and trust? 2. Do you practice and value fairness and equality? 3. Do you respect individuals who take and accept accountability for their actions? What do you think the right answers should be to the first three questions?  Let’s say it is YES to all questions. We will move onto the next set of three questions Do you think it is OK to? 4. Contribute to and oversee bad business, financial practices and policies that destroy individual’s lives 5. Claim expenses or grants (funding) that you know you are not really entitled to receive 6. To reward and give large pays off for those who oversee misspending and fraudulent regulations within their departments. What do you think the right answers should be to these three questions?  Let’s say it is NO to all questions. If you were the employer and you identified that for the first set of three questions the individual(s) did not behave with any of these qualities, what would you do? If you were the employer and you identified that for the second set of questions the individual(s) did operate and manage correctly these activities and that these activities were acceptable to them, what would you do? I think your answer would be to not entrust or employ them with the responsibility to carry out whatever job you had for them.  If they held the position already you would fire them from their position.  In the real world you can fire them or imprison them for their actions but if they are politicians then this is another world where you can’t fire them.  They just resign and walk away with a large pay off. Remind you of anything? – more rotten apples in the barrel – Next time I will be very careful in my selection process what about YOU?

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When it’s rotten throw it out

Yet again more rotten apples in the barrel.  I have written before about people taking personal responsibility and accountability for their actions.  It seems to me that these values and qualities do not exist within the Government ranks for certain Politicians and Senators.  Again we see more issues of miss spending.  Yes the old expenses claims – even the dogs in the street know that these claims are taking the P***.  This in my opinion is boarding on fraudulent actions. But what will happen?…..if it was you or me we would be fired from our Company and have great difficulty getting another job.  But if you are a Minister or Senator who are suppose to be responsible for representing the people of this country, you will be OK as nothing will happen.  You see this is acceptable behaviour and accountability is not required in these jobs.  Also to add to this the “Old Party” will circle its wagons and support you, because this is how politics in Ireland works. Rotten to the core – don’t mind what they say watch their behaviour.

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Then There Were Two

After all the weeks of election campaigning and the arguments over policies and the very clear differences between the three political parties, Britain now has a new relationship David Cameron and Nick Clegg.  How will the coalition of these two very different parties work going forward?  How will all the personalities and individuals within both parties behave with each other to make it work?  The main point I am hearing is “in the National Interest” – is this really true or just a statement so they can each get into power.  Will both David and Nick have the strength to ensure that as the days pass and the in fighting start they can demonstrate strong leadership and hold it together? Will they both together deliver what is expected or what could be amazing? What is a good relationship built on? They have communicated that this relationship is built on the following three aspects Freedom Fairness Responsibility They have said that they will demonstrate “grown up behaviours” and “strong leadership“. Maybe grown up behaviours is not what is required as the opposite could be child like behaviours.  If politicians behaviours from what I have seen so far is grown up behaviours (lack of accountability, greed, expenses, should I continue) well I would prefer they acted like children as this might produce a far better result – out of the mouths of babes comes truth. What about a relationship build on real values like the following? Honesty Trust Respect I believe these values would be better in the “National Interest” let one wait and see.

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Individuals Matter

It is only a few more days till Thursday 6th May when the British Elections will take place.  I still hold the opinion that Nick Clegg would make a good Leader.  But like Gordon Brown sometimes you have to act on what is right as against listening to all those spin doctors and election assistance.  Last week when Gillian Duffy appeared on the world media due to a remark made by Gordon Brown he was quick to apologise and make the decision to meet her as an individual in her home.  Well Done Gordon we need more politicians that admit their mistakes.  We could certainly do with some in Ireland. I recently send Nick Clegg some blog post and I got the following response below which I have only taken a short piece of it here as the rest was standard election stuff.  I certainly don’t expect to see him at my front door.  But with the technology available today Nick you might of asked his person on his behalf to insert the point I wrote about in the email at least then I might of thought they read it. Dear Mr. Clifford, Many thanks for your email to the Liberal Democrats.  Nick has asked me to reply on his behalf. It’s really kind of you to take the time to send us your thoughts about this issue.  Please do rest assured that all your comments have been taken on board. At this election, we believe the British people desperately need a new approach to politics. etc etc I would say that this is a standard reply to all emails for example the line “time to send us your thoughts about this issue”. What issue are you talking about?  I bet you don’t even know what issue I wrote about.  But I am happy that it will be taken on board as the Donegal Catch advert goes “They are putting my issue in a filling cabinet”  Well Nick if you are going to make a difference as I said before don’t sit in an office after the election, get out there were the individuals are and listen to them and you make your own mind up.  Be careful what others do on your behalf.

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