Building an in house MBA Programme – Part 3

In-house MBA

Let me address the second question from my Part 1 post on the topic of your organisation creating and implementing an in-house MBA Programme for employees.


What about the added value of the inputs of academic institutes?

Linking with an academic institute would provide added expertise and access to materials and research opportunities. It could also provide additional validation to the programme and possible accreditation.  A key advantage would be the cooperation elements and the learning for both organisations.  Providing opportunities like the transfer of staff for short work periods.  The added value of pilot research and innovation opportunities.

The initial approach and discussions with an academic institute might at first be rejected.

The difficulties here might be the attitude and culture of most academic institutes. Getting them on board would be the main issue but for those more progressive institutes not an impossibility. It is my opinion that private teaching colleges may be quicker to get onboard with this type of concept. I do feel it would be worth the challenge and that all parties involved would benefit greatly from the process and cooperation.

In addition to an academic institute participation, the involvement of professional associations would be an advantage. Professional bodies could also bring valuable business teaching inputs to your programme.  They could also provide recognition and possible accreditation. I again feel there would be barriers to cross to get acceptance and involvement.

Where there’s a will there’s a way – or is it where there’s a will there is family??

Vision, creativity and commitment = can do attitude.

What about a recognised accreditation?  – This Question will be addressed in Part 4


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Mel Clifford

Experienced coach & consultant dedicated to personal growth. Offering coaching, public speaking, & insightful books on personal development & business management.


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