Be Careful How You Place Your Letters

Magic of Letters

There are only 26 letters in our alphabet, we know that placing them in a recognisable order will create the words we want to communicate, as just demonstrated in this sentence.  Words create meanings for us so when we see words for example like joy, fun, smile, laughter, love, happy, excitement, winning, one might feel good within themself.  On the other hand when we see words like sadness, terror, death, grief, failure, loosing, horror, one might feel frightened or scared.

Meanings are in people and not in words as they are just letters placed in a recognisable order.  It is how you see your words from within that will create how you may feel and alter your attitude to a issue.  Use only letters in your life to create words that make you feel good, use letters that create kindness and goodness for others who might need it at this time.  In your business world, with the speed of communications available to you be careful with the letters you choose to make the words you will write in an email to a colleague, supplier or customer.

Be creative and think about how you will place the order of your letters to form the words you want. Today maybe someone in your life needs a word from you?

These are the letters I am using “Make someone smile today”

0 Responses

  1. Mel,
    I love your blog and thank you so much for this cool post. I never thought about the alphabet and my words like this before in this way. I am going ot be very thoughtful about how I use my letters today– in my mind and out loud!

    1. Hi Rebecca
      Many thanks for your comments and I hope many other of my posts will become part of your week.
      Kind Regards

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Mel Clifford

Experienced coach & consultant dedicated to personal growth. Offering coaching, public speaking, & insightful books on personal development & business management.


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