Captain Smith appeared the following morning on the Ships Bridge looking a little worse for wear. Are you Ok Captain enquired William McMaster Murdock, First Officer. Yes of course, replied Captain Smith trying to remember how many ones for the road he had drank with the Doc the previous evening. The Captain demanded a progress report from his fellow officers. All ship shape and what a beautiful day for sailing, Officer Henry Wilde replied. All well on the Bridge Captain. Carry on gentlemen I will be in my quarters if required, replied Captain Smith. Oh! gentlemen I have invited Sir Doc to visit the Bridge. If I am not here when he arrives please summon me.
Good night with Captain Smith then, enquired the Manager over breakfast. Yes my good wife I have an invite to the Bridge tomorrow evening on the 14th to see how the ship is sailing. So today I think we might have a nice stroll on deck and meet some of the other guests, I belief John Jacob Astor IV is on board. I have a few properties he might be interested in, said Doc. After breakfast the Doc and the Manager set off on their stroll. As they walked the deck you could almost hear the Manager counting the life boats as she passed each one. The Manager turned to the Doc and yelled, my dear in my quick calculation the lifeboats only have capacity for 1,178 passengers and there is about 2,200 people including the crew on board. We better get you fitted into a dress for tomorrow night, she added. No worries, replied Doc there will be no iceberg bashing this time around.
Well hello, Ms Gibson, said Doc as he greeted the famous actress. Please call me Dorothy she replied. Please meet my good lady wife and Doc introduced the Manager. Enjoying the voyage, enquired the Manager. Why yes Lady Higgins, what a beautiful ship, they say it is unsinkable. Yes similar to the SS Andrea Doria, replied the Manager. Ms Gibson went on her way a little confused. Well dear, time for a midday tibble in the lounge before lunch, said Doc. Yes, but let’s go to the Lads or Gentlemen only Bar and cause a stir so the ladies will have something to talk about over dinner, smiled the Manager. Great idea we will shake things up a little my dear, replied Doc.
The Manager entered the Gentleman’s Bar first to me greeted with, excuse me madam this is a men’s only bar. I think you are in the wrong place. Shall I show you to the Parlour room suggested one gentleman in the bar. No, it’s quite all right. I am meeting my husband here. Could I have a large Gin & Tonic with ICE and a slice of lime, the manager requested. The ship’s steward looked around the bar to the shuffles and coughs of annoyance from all the men in the bar. The Doc entered the bar, Oh my dear here you are did you order me a drink he asked. With that the steward came over to the table where the manager had taken a seat. Sir Doc I must remind you that this is a gentlemans only bar and request that you escort Lady Higgins to the Ladies Parlour Rooms. I will do no such thing my good man and I would suggest that you feck off and get our drinks before I escort you out of here, replied Doc. Well my dear pleasant morning, the Doc continued as a ripple of coughs and shuffles ran through the Bar.
To be continued………