About Me

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About Me

Empowering Personal Responsibility for Growth and Achievement

Embracing personal responsibility is a key step towards personal growth and achieving your dreams. Incorporating the “Me Factor” into your life builds confidence and helps overcome barriers to change. Transitioning from comfort zones to where you find true happiness can make a significant impact.

I am committed to continuous growth, learning from others, and the experiences in my life. While I make mistakes and have some regrets, I focus on the future. Honesty is a core value, and I cherish the time spent with people, actively listening to their contributions. I ensure there is fun in my life, laugh every day, and remain thankful and appreciative of what I have in my world.

 I hope you enjoy reading my web postings and I welcome your comments. Remember change is in your hands.

Mel Clifford

There is a crack, a crack, in everything. That’s how the light gets in

My Business World

I have been involved for over 20 years in the support, coaching and personal development of individuals. Helping them take personal responsibility for their learning and making the changes, they wish in their life.  I have over 12 years business experience, in both starting my own companies and successfully growing business opportunities for organisations, to make real changes for my clients.

I have worked and conducted business in Europe, USA and China.  My passion is about getting individuals to really understand, that if they wish to make changes in any areas of their lives, be that, health, career, finances, relationships, spiritual, then they must take personal responsibility and know that change is in their own hands.

I have worked over many years, in small, medium and large organisations, at Senior Management and Director level.  My experiences are in the areas of Human Resources, Technology, Communications, Project Management and Business Operations.  I have worked in and lectured with several Universities and Institutes in the UK and Ireland in business management.

Join Me on the Path to Personal Growth and Success!

In 2000, I left the secure environment of a large organisation to start my own business. To support individuals and organisations in managing change and making a real difference.  It is up to me to prove my worth everyday.  My worked is very varied from working with individuals, with teams and large scale projects.  It does not matter what the project is, as long as people are involved, then I can deliver and so far I have achieved every deadline.

I am actively involved in the leadership and direction of my businesses.  Past Chairperson of several International Associations and I hold Non- executive Directorships. I am currently living in Canada working on several business and personal development projects.

My work involves working with and along side people.

Thank You

Thank you for visiting my web site page

Opportunities for you -please contact me if:

Your organisation is going through change and needs support and challenge with its direction.

Your organisation has a major change project.

You wish to have a 1:1 coaching session to support you with the changes in your life.

I am also available for public speaking, group coaching and Team Development sessions.