Blog & News

Month: September 2010

55,000 New Jobs per year No excuses please

One Tuesday this week I made comments about an article I read very recently on leadership and the pressures it carries and what one should do published in the Globe and Mail Newspaper.  As I stated in my post it was very basic stuff.  I made comments on what I believed were the required skills to lead either an organisation or a country for that matter.  Just recently the leader of the Irish Government Mr. Brian Cowen made a big deal about calling in, wait for it 11 Senior CEO’s who have responsibility for job creation in Ireland to account for themselves. Now if you had an organisation where you were paying 11 CEO’s to create jobs within your business would you expect them to deliver?  If they did not deliver what would you do about it? Well Brian Cowen and his 11 senior people not including a full ministerial position must have had a great little chat and then went off about their business again. In my managerial opinion I would have kept the meeting short and simple and delivered the following message to each of the CEO’s including the Minister responsible. “Each of you have to create 5,000 new jobs each year for the next three years, if you are not able to do this then you should not be in the job for which you are well paid to carry out.  So if you have not delivered the required amount not 4,999 but 5,000 new jobs at the end of each year’s please send your resignation to me and I will find someone that can do the job you are being paid to do” Now that’s leadership, for if I was not delivering on the job I was paid to carry out I would be held accountable and fired.  So what’s so different about each and every one of these 11 CEO’s and there numerous staff. It’s simple 11 senior highly paid state agencies executives by 5,000 new jobs each equal 55, 000 new jobs which in turn equals 165,000 over three years.  It is only 25,000 jobs more than the so called FAS agency is projecting in a recent report based on their five years time frame. End of discussion end of meeting and no excuses.

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Leadership Requires Courage Not Excuses

“How to stop the worrying and learn to love the job”– article written by Wallace Immen for the Globe and Mail daily newspaper.  The article was based on an interview with Graham Jones who is a Psychologist and Leadership Consultant.  The article was mostly around the pressure of the job of leadership.  After reading the article I said to myself well that was fairly basic stuff and boy if individuals in leadership positions don’t even know this stuff then they don’t deserve to be in their positions.  The sooner they step down the better it is for the organisation that they are supposed to be leading. Why do I draw this conclusion well the article starts with talking about in times of pressure like now with the economic recession and the difficulties of operating in times like this, therefore if leaders think differently at this time then they will inspire themselves and their people.  My question is, aren’t leaders supposed to think differently all of the time?  It is my opinion that we are missing the point here the reality is most leaders have never experienced times like this and therefore don’t seem to have or gained the skills to work their way out of these types of serious situations.  This in turn is now being called as pressure, the only reason its pressure is that they don’t have answers to the issues at hand and have not got the skills to come up with answers.  To get out of where they are at now needs courage, risk and commitment so that the real leaders can stand out and not only communicate a vision but actually start the implementation process and stick with it. The article goes on to say “real leaders make decisions and stand by them and tell it how it is”. It describes leaders has having mental toughness and wait for it setting daily goals (a to do list) – I am sorry but I would consider this very basic stuff, if your employees on first line management don’t even have these skills well I would feel your business is already in difficulty.  This is the bit that really got me “Stinking thinking” to stop the negative thinking “you have to ask yourself questions such as is there another way to view this situation”. Is this not simple basic problem solving or what?  Maybe it is back to simple basics of management? I believe the main issue for leaders today is the internal politics that is waiting within their organisation for the leaders to make a mistake so those in opposition can say I told you so and see this as their opportunity to take over.  Or to do nothing as others at senior management levels don’t have solutions either and therefore do nothing.  This leads to a great lack of decision making by most leaders and therefore playing it safe rather than standing up and doing what is required.  In times of great difficulty a good leaders will gather or create a loyal and trusted team.  Work with them to create and drive out the required decisions and activities that are necessary to secure the organisations future.  A real leader will inspire, encourage and visibly demonstrate support for the vision.  Removing any obstacles that might hinder the team in delivering the agreed vision. Finally I do agree with one point made within the article and that is the ability to switch off and create a balance in your work life with home life.  Taking time out to take care of you, be that exercise, meditation, quite thinking time and most of all the one I would strongly add is real leaders need to have the ability to have fun and laugh in live.

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There are always two sides

I met this fantastic German lady who was all of 85 years old.  She arrived in Canada in 1947 and was now happly living here for the past 63 years. In our conversation I said you must have been in Germany during the Second World War where upon she started to tell me a story about her life at this time.  I was delighted to hear it and the clarity at which she told me was amazing as if it was only yesterday. She lived in Poland with her family, as after the First World War Poland had become an independent state and now occupied some lands that once belong to Germany.  When the German Army invaded Poland in 1939 she was a young girl of 14 years old.  She was then able to attend a German speaking school in Poland.  When she reached 17 years old she worked as a secretary for the German Army in Poland.  Towards the end of the war the Russian Army were advancing on the city which she was working and given the stories she had heard of the atrocities being committed by the advancing Russian troops she decided to try and escape as quickly as she could.  Her family lived over 30 kilometres away which was now in the hands of the Russian Army.  She approached the most senior ranking German Officer in the office in which she worked and asked would they take her with them if they were retreating back to Germany.  He was unsure of his orders and told her to be ready to go at a minutes’ notice. During one of the bombings on the city the following night instead of going to the air raid bunker she fled the city by train.  At that time one could only travel sixty kilometres on any given journey.  Before she left the army offices where she worked she managed to take an amount of ration books with her.  These ration books were extremely valuable at the time and she was able to use them along her route to encourage people to buy additional train tickets to take her further south. All the train carriages were occupied by German soldiers, during her long and dangerous train journey she sat on her small suit case on the outside between the carriages.  She described her journey in detail with her face and blonde hair turning black from the smoke of the train engine and the numerous attacks on the train by fighter planes.  Where she would have to get underneath the train for safety. Along the way she enquired of several people where would it be safe for her to get off the train and finally she did so in the small town in Bavaria.  She stayed here for nearly a year and with no idea of what had happened to her family back home. She knew the America and English armies were advancing but she was not too concerned.  When the surrender of Germany was announced in May 1945, there were celebrations in the town.  She along with some other friends watched the American soldiers enter the town.  She described them as they marched along the narrow street as doing some sort of funny movement with their mouths.  They were of course chewing gum, which she had never seen before, they handed out oranges and chewing gum and call out to the girls – “hey Blondie” they shouted she remembered. Now that the war was over she tried to trace her family back home, her father she knew was living in Canada as he had gone to seek work there in 1928 when she was only three years old.  She had no idea where he was living in Canada.  Her mother and older sister with two small children were somewhere in Poland if they had survived the war.  Her brother in law who was in the Germany army was also missing.  One day after work she went to lie down and prayed that she could remember where her father was.  In a dream she saw an envelope with is address clearly written on it, she awoke from the dream and wrote down immediately what she had seen in her vision.  She had a vision of an envelope with the name and address as she had seen as a child from the letters that her mother would receive from Canada before the start of the war.  In her dream she clearly saw her father’s name, address and the letters SAK –Sackatchewan Canada. That day she wrote  letter and posted it to her father.  Not know would it ever get to him and after a month of waiting one morning a letter arrived from her father in Canada. He was able to tell her that her mother, sister and children were alive but her brother-in-law was captured and he was in a concentration camp under Russian control.  It took over two years from that day to secure her documents and her place on a trip to join her father in Canada.  Three years later with the support of the Red Cross they were joined by her mother, sister and children and brother-in-law who was released from the concentration camp. She has now her own children and grand children all doing well.  She also shared with me the sadness she feels of selling her family home as she misses her own home, her yard and garden.  She told me her name and I have decided not to use it in this story. I thanked her for sharing her story with me while we passed the time and I greatly admired her courage and innovation.  She shined of a positive attitude and great determination in her live as she continues to travel to visit her family and friends across Canada.  One could feel a beautiful kindness in her heart.

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Watch and learn my Friend

Just this week Cuba announced it will lay off over 500,000 state employees, yes 500,000.Why?  They need to take action now to support and save their economy. The Government intend to move more into the free-market and therefore are laying off those workers who are less productive.  These workers will be expected to find jobs in the private sectors not an easy transition.  Although they have been working with a large black market in order to supplement their very low state incomes. What a about Ireland what have they have done only a three year deal with their bed fellows not to make anyone redundant in the public sectors even the unproductive employees, great business decision, sure we will have a few more drinks and see how we get on. What about those in Cuba who will remain in the state sector?  They will face new salary restructures and bonus based only on productivity achievements.  Again remind you of anywhere except for the bit about been made redundant.  Productivity when does one expect to see this productivity happening? This is the big question and yet to date what and where are the results in Irealnd? Watch and learn my Cuban friends watch and learn!

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Twitter – “Out of Order”

Sorry to anyone who is trying to Twitter but for some reason the Twitter plug in has stopped working. Will try and get it sorted very soon. Thanks for your patience

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Message from a Hostel – Why do we need a Director Role

After writing about the importance of having a clear direction last week I think Nora got the meaning of this a little lopsided.  “Well Alistair you can go to a show on your own that you would like, I will Nora but why can I go to this one with you?  Well Alistair you would not like Dali and the Music of Dance and another thing there is only one seat left in the second row.  Ok Nora I will go to one of those shows with penalty of girlies in them, certainly not Alistair why don’t you go to something like a boys movie or a Walt Disney show, Ok Nora, where all the girlies dress up in Disney character costumes.  No Alistair, but it seems to me Nora that OZ is full of these type of shows.  Yes Alistair but we are moving to the other side of town where there aren’t so many theatres with the Disney Girly shows.  Do we have to move again Nora, yes Alistair we have to move again.  I think you are becoming very bossy Nora, Alistair is not bossy its directional, every good play or drama has a good Director and I am the Director on the Yellow Brick road, otherwise we would be up the garden path as they say”. This will be the 9th Hostel Alistair and Nora will have stayed in, now some of them they would not even get called a hostel more like a cupboard in the corner of a building.  OZ rental property is very expenses and short term rents are hard to come by except if you rent a room in one of the Munchkins houses.  Even then the Munchkin students have taken them all as this is the start of the new College term. In OZ Alistair and Nora have come across what is known as HST, no not HRT it is HST (Harmonised Sales Tax).  One can’t go anywhere or buy anything and HST is there.  You see a price for a coffee and its $3.55 and when you get the bill its $4.02.  When Alistair mentions to the Munchkin Coffee shop owner the menu states it is only $3.55 to which he replies “that’s HST my friend pay it and weep, welcome to the land of OZ”. All the local Munchkins are complaining about this HST and writing to the wicked Government in the West.  Wait till Alistair and Nora meets the Great Wizard they will also have a few words to say about this HST malarkey. So its lets go North East along the Yellow Brick road where they might meet the Tin Man, if things get any worse Alistair will be the tin man (he hopes).  This week after sending off all the official documents to the Great Wizard of OZ both Alistair and Nora can travel further along the Yellow Brick road to discover new opportunities and meet new Munchkins. So nothing ventured nothing gained – now that we have the Director role well established

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Depends how you read it

Do we have to leave our own country to notice individuals who are labelled “down and out” or is it that we are so use to seeing people where we live and we become oblivious to the problem.  I must say that I have just started to notice a lot more people that are down and out.  They are down and out for whatever reason, substance abuse, poverty, ill health I don’t know.  What is the actual turning point that puts someone over the line and they move from what might be called normal society to “a nobody” when do we seem to not really care about them?  At what point do they become invisible, untouchable, that one crosses the street to avoid and ignored.  At what point do they lose their name, their identity their respect for themselves and from others? Is substance abuse their only refuge in their world?  How do they get back into what one might call “normal society” or are they actually better off where they are?  What is the road back and how do they find it?  Do they even want to come back from where they are? How does one stop them falling over the line in the first place or who or what pushes them over this line? They have so many signs, Hungry & Homeless or who am I kidding in need a beer, or I need to get to Langley for work on Monday or wash up porn star – all ending with spare some change $ I read recently a sign at some road repair works “Please slow down my daddy works here” which certainly had a better impact then the normal signage I have seen “road works ahead slow down”.  What if we were to read with a different attitude the many signs the down and outs hold up each day and instead of what they have written – we read it as “This is someone’s Child can YOU please help them” Would it make a difference – only you can answer that

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Message from a Hostel – Directions

I think it’s this way Nora and if we take the next right we should be Ok, Alistair how many times have we followed your directions?, most of the time Nora and what’s your point, well Alistair how many times have we taking the wrong direction, all of the time Nora, so it is this way Alistair and it’s the next left.  I say follow your nose and let’s see where it take us, that’s all very fine Alistair but if the train station is not in that direction there is not much point is heading your way.  Ok Nora let’s go your way, but I sure it’s that way. The Yellow Brick road is supposed to be Yellow all of the way and one just stays on the same track.  Often we get lost and have to find our way back on track in life.  As the Cat in Alice and wonderland said to Alice if you don’t know where you are going then does it matter what road you take. Talking about roads and traffic, Nora has finally come to terms with the traffic signals and has now started to instruct the foreign tourist Munchkins with some authority into waiting for the little man to give the all clear. “Hey you stop for **** sake wait for the signal to say you can cross the road” she has been heard to shout out at disobedient Munchkins. Alistair and Nora find it quite different living out of haversacks and having to move location every few days long the Yellow Brick road, you never really get settled.  On the the upside they are seeing new places and meeting new people.  It is amazing what one can actually live without when they let go of material things in life.  There seems to be a lot of Germans Munchkins travelling in the land of OZ mostly students, so one should skip the beach area as most of the places will be taken by the time you arrive.  Alistair and Nora stayed in a new Hostel the other night and if they could have that cat back again this time I am afraid the cat would not have survived the room sizing exercise.  Either Alistair or Nora had to leave the room when they both wanted to turn around and move something. Anyways, I am sure we have all experienced either as a child with your parents arguing over which way to go or even now as an adult with your partner, it is a very common argument around directions.  It is one of the most frequent arguments in life  we have either internally or with those close to us, what direction do we take. Just remember those who are closes to us often know the best direction we should take, the issue is we don’t often listen to our internal self or to those who care about us. Start listening to your inner self  – remember the phase “gut feeling”

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In the Morning Kitchen

Here is a beautiful poem written by a young lady called Shannon Azzato Stephens. Shannon is currently studying in Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh USA.  It was just published in Emprise Review, July 2010.  On  recent trip to Ireland I had the pleasure of meeting Shannon. She told me that she was involved in creative writting and had written some poetry. I asked and received her permission to publish this poem on my site. It is great when one meets individuals who are prepared to write from within  and share it with the rest of us. All I can say is keep up the writing and poetry Shannon. In the morning kitchen Jade leaves puffy, shining, just dusted off, their stems hardened, age lines winding down into the soil.  Grandfather’s hands in the work: each branch held by a bamboo reed, velcro wrapped around their tips to catch any sagging arm.  These plants don’t rustle.  They hold the light at their tips. Many thanks  for letting me publish this on my site.

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Who are they protecting?

It seems to me that there are more rules and regulations in place to protect those that waste Government money then there are to protect those that just want to do a good job within the Public Sector.  Protecting those that make claims of false and excessive expenses, those that sign off on major pay offs for individuals who contribute to the wastage.  What about those that care and really work hard at what they do to contribute to a better service/society.  Does nobody have the courage to stand up and do what is right? What does suspended mean in the public sector? Does it mean:- Have a nice break or holiday for a few weeks on full pay until this all blows over! We think you have been taking the piss with your expenses so ease off and wait till this all blows over and don’t do it again (what happened to the word stealing!!) Listen we have to be seen to do something so just lay low for a few weeks and apologise (oh! forgot we don’t do apologises – just say you have done nothing wrong and you will be proven innocent when there is an enquiry) Listen we have real problems and we are going to use you to keep the journalists side tracked and away from the real problems so don’t worry we see you right on this- wink -wink What happened to the word “your fired”? The issues are coming hard and fast it is difficult to keep on top of them all.  Maybe for once we could have a league style table of all the issues over the past few years.  Published  once per week in a national newspaper and just add the new ones so we can keep track and focus.  Here is just a very small sample of suggested heading and only a very small sample of the recent issues. Issue Action taken by Government Cost to taxpayer Post Tunnel Overspend None €150Million overspend Luas Overspend None €471Million Overspend Electronic Voting Machines and Storage None €52 Million and €800,000 per year to store M50 Toll Bridge None €500 million+ Purchase of Land Dublin Dock New Prison None €427 Million purchase price €35 Million Anglo Irish Bank Other Irish Banks Support and Pay rises None €BILLIONS Dear Great grand Children greed left you this debt The HSE Management and its management structures, the Ballymun Water Tower, the Minister and TD’s expenses claims and on and on and on. We erect plagues and monument to celebrate success what about one to remind us of the corruption and greed that exists.  We easily forget and just focus on the latest scandal – I feel it is important that there is a chart published each week with all of the issues and a running total so those individuals responsible can be reminded of their failures.

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