Blog & News

Month: July 2010

What a Challenge Four Weeks On

Just four weeks ago I wrote about this tremendous challenge and the commitment and determination that would be required to complete such an epic task.  To date 28 Marathons have been completed in great times and they are almost there.  Today Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw will commence their 29th Marathon in a row, running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days.  Bank Holiday Monday August 2nd will see their great achievement being reached.  The amount of commitment and determination both guys have put in is almost unbelievable.  So get out and support them. Remember this is for Charity so please visit their site and donate what you can. Don’t wait to start the changes you want to make in your life – it can be done Please join in or follow them on their journey

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Who Has The Map?

I was once informed that if you watch any tourist couples in any city around the world that in the morning time (AM) the males will have control of the tour guides and city directional maps.  In the afternoon (PM time) the women will have control of the maps.  For over one hour in Dublin city one afternoon I watched tourists and sure enough 99% the females had control. Why is this? Is it that when they start off on their day out that the men take control and manage where they will go to and they will lead the way of the sight seeing. In the afternoon when they have either not really got anywhere or they are bored the women take the control.  Either to save the day because men can’t find anywhere on the maps or the women are so frustrated they just take over.  Either way does it matter?  Is this truly what happens or is it just a coincident? Next time you are in any city just observe the tourist couples and see who has the street maps related to the time of day. The one of the most important things in life is to ensure you have control of your own direction and can read your map to take you where you want to go.

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What a Challenge Three Weeks On

Today in the home of the Ulster Champions 2010 County Tyrone (Sorry County Monaghan) both Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw will commence their 22nd Marathon of their epic challenge of running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days.  So lads only 10 more Marathons in 10 more Counties in 10 more Days left, you are on the home stretch now. It has been amazing to follow this great challenge and see the run times getting better each stage of the journey.  Remember this is for Charity so please visit their site and donate what you can. Don’t wait to start the changes you want to make in your life – it can be done Please join in or follow them on their journey

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Become Who You Are

In life our circumstances change sometimes very slowly, creeping up on us, sometimes totally unexpected and there before we know or have time to consider what’s just happened.  One can decide to embrace and welcome  the changes or become defensive within ourselves and reject them.  If our lives are not changing all of the time we will never grow and have the opportunity to become who we really are.  How we react to change is in our own hands and nobody else. Life will send you challenges and opportunities if only to direct and push you to grow in the right direction.  Too often we reject change or fail to see the opportunity it can give us.  It is important to look for the beauty that is offer to you. The next time you start to feel that things are changing in your life –change your attitude and behaviour towards this change – alter how you think about it and seek the beauty of the change. “Beauty exists everywhere; it dwells in the most humble objects, makes all around us resplendent and if we refuse to see it, we are blinded by an unjust prejudice, or our minds are not open to the faculty of contemplation” – Yoritomo Tashi

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Who Will Break the Mould?

I have not written around the area of politics lately but I feel the complete lack of accountability and responsibility taken by a lot of Politicians is becoming more ridiculous. There are those who are doing considerable good work and are extremely effective in their roles and unfortunately get tarnished with the same brush.  But those politicians and public servants who are totally ineffectiveness and mismanage their positions never get fired from their jobs –Why? There seems to be a total lack of common sense missing in their world.  I have come to the conclusion that there must be a set of rules or codes written that one is given when they enter the political arena.  In my opinion the following rules must be within the top ten. Rule Book – How to be a Successful Politician  1 -10 Never admit to anything unless you are 100% sure you will get positive credit for it Never tell the truth, even if you can’t get away with it and you have to step aside for a while there is always away out for you with full benefits and pay Never under any circumstances accept accountability or responsibility for anything – always ensure you have someone else or agency to blame You are only in office for a five year periods , so if you are totally infective you can always get elected again with the same old crap only this time dress it up more and hire some consultants (family members) to assist you Always promise everything and delivery nothing on time or within the agree budget or that works as it should. Always claim as much expenses as possible under the systems available (its call milking the system or taking the piss) If you have another public service job make sure you can return to it at any stage with all benefits and pensions still available to you Travel as much as you can and bring as many family members with you. Various trips can be found in the politician’s manual under J for junkets.  Look for the trips and conferences that are of no value to the position you may hold or your country, these are the best ones to go on.  For example “The Impact of Tropical rain fall on the kiwi fruit” is a good one because you can add “The impact of Tropical rain fall on the kiwi fruit and its knock on effects to the school going children of county?” It is vital you always have the “add on” phase, samples can be found in your manual under F for found out. Make sure that when those (your friends) you have placed in positions of authority (state agencies and boards) really mess up that you get them the largest pay off and pensions available, as it could be your turn next. Functions and dinners are free so ensure you drink and eat well If you can follow these rules to the letter and are very comfortable in doing so – then politics is for you – Or – will you write new rules and serve the people and society you are elected to serve?

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What a Challenge Two Weeks On

Its Friday once again and how quickly the week flies in.  Its two weeks on since Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw started out on their epic challenge of running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days.  Tomorrow Saturday will be the half way mark and after today’s marathon in County Offaly they will have run over 390 miles since they started out on the 2nd July.  The demonstration of determination and commitment that we see is almost unbelievable and especially seen Ken suffer as he went into last weekend. It was great to read the wonderful stories of support Ken received from individuals who just wanted to be there for him. I hope you are continuing to follow them and make whatever contribution you can to their selected Charity.  Even it is only 1 penny per mile it will make a difference as very penny counts.  All details are on their website and their daily blog about this incredible challenge. Just stop what you are doing for one minute and think to yourself what is it that you have always want to do in your life and have as yet not face this challenge?  Remember the change is in your hands and everything is possible if you want it, so start today don’t wait! Please join in and follow them on their journey.

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There is an I in Team

The other day I wrote that placing letters in a recognisable order would create the words we want to communicate and the letters I put together read “Make someone smile today” Can I ask U what letters did U use? One letter that is important in our lives is the letter “I” Why because it allows U to describe how U feel in your world.  When U use the letter I it communicates about only U. Here R some statements that start with the 9th. letter in the alphabet the letter ” I” I am happy I am excited I am sad I need a hug I am afraid I think I love you I don’t like I believe in I want to be listened too I am sure you have heard or read the statement there is no “I” in TEAM but you see there is, for it is all the I’s that make up a TEAM.  Bringing the qualities and skills of who we are to form the TEAM. I am on this Team, I will give my full support to this Team.  This is what I bring to this Team. If we don’t know who we are then what and how will “I” contribute to this Team? I want to thank U for reading this post

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Be Careful How You Place Your Letters

There are only 26 letters in our alphabet, we know that placing them in a recognisable order will create the words we want to communicate, as just demonstrated in this sentence.  Words create meanings for us so when we see words for example like joy, fun, smile, laughter, love, happy, excitement, winning, one might feel good within themself.  On the other hand when we see words like sadness, terror, death, grief, failure, loosing, horror, one might feel frightened or scared. Meanings are in people and not in words as they are just letters placed in a recognisable order.  It is how you see your words from within that will create how you may feel and alter your attitude to a issue.  Use only letters in your life to create words that make you feel good, use letters that create kindness and goodness for others who might need it at this time.  In your business world, with the speed of communications available to you be careful with the letters you choose to make the words you will write in an email to a colleague, supplier or customer. Be creative and think about how you will place the order of your letters to form the words you want. Today maybe someone in your life needs a word from you? These are the letters I am using “Make someone smile today”

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What a Challenge One Week On

Starting in County Cork today Gerry Duffy and Ken Whitelaw are now on their eight marathon.  This is part of the epic challenge of running 32 Marathons in 32 Counties in 32 Days. Added together they have been running for well over 30 hours up to yesterday.  After today they will have completed the first quarter of their great challenge.  Keep it up and well done.  Don’t forget this is a unique fundraising event so log on their web site and make a donation today every penny helps. Please join in or follow them on their journey.

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Simple But Often Forgotten

In many cases of negotiations I have witnessed the failure of individuals to address the simple question as to, what would I do if I was in the other persons place right now or from what position is the other person viewing this issue or problem. Try placing an object with difference information or diagrams on each side in the middle of the table in front of both parties.  Then ask them from where they are sitting to describe what they see on this object.  You should get two different descriptions of the same object.  Both failing to see what the other can see.  It is not until each person changes places will they be able to see the other person’s description or point of view. This concept is simple but often forgotten, resulting in disagreement and with no resolution. Before solving a problem, he who desires to avoid making a mistake must never fail to ask himself this question.  What should I do if my interests were those of the opposite party?  Or yet again.  What should I reply if my adversaries used the same language to me as I purpose using when addressing them?  –  Yoritomo Tashi

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