Blog & News

Day: March 9, 2010

Reality Check

The reality is it may have been all of us in some way that contributed to this current economic crisis.  The party that was never going to end, the get rich quick schemes, the seminars, the investment books, the foreign property shows, the borrowing and spending beyond our means.  You name it we were offered it and we are all individually responsible for how we reacted.  You may say some are more guilty than others and yes those that knew what was going on and participated (maybe by turning a blind eye) or who committed fraudulent deeds and actions are guiltier. It seems too me that individuals are getting fed up hearing about the same issues every day and yet the worse may yet to come.  Until we stop the blaming and get on with looking for the opportunities to do whatever is necessary to ensure that this current crisis does not any get worse.  Some of the activities and behaviours that are not helpful:- Public Service Industrial disputes or go slows Continually rewarding individuals who’s actions and behaviours continue to carry on the bad practises and behaviours of the past Not taking the opportunity to radically reform elements of the public service and some Government agencies Dishonesty and in action in their duties within the political parties Public disorder and distributive behaviours towards are communities, foreign guests and fellow citizens Some of the activities and behaviours that are helpful:- Greater and stronger investment in the support and education at all levels especially the very young Leadership from all of us in driving opportunities wherever possible to support each other and improve conditions for our family members, community and society Support for those who are experiencing real hardships Support and actions from all of us for those that can’t speak up for themselves or who have no voice in our current society, to name just a few, the homeless, the sick, the disadvantage. Rewards for doing the right things Don’t place your energies in anger and blame.  They are more productive placed in seeking and taking action to create opportunities to support each other.  You can decide how you will behave and what action you will take to make a difference that is needed.

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