Blog & News

Month: March 2010

Free of Charge

I wrote on the 8th February this year about time and now important we must think about how we should use it and not waste it.  I strongly feel that we can all do with a reminder now and again, so here is a short piece that I thought I would share with you. Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours.  They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge.  If you had all the money in the world, you couldn’t buy an extra hour.  What will you do with this priceless treasure?  Remember, you must use it, as it is given only once.  Once wasted you cannot get it back.  – Unknown

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Positional Power

The number of individuals that abuse their positional power continues to strive. Be that in the work place, the home, an association, the community or the government.  This behaviour is not new, what these individuals seem to forget is that without their position they have nothing. Take away their position and see how they operate, they fail to lead and they fade into the background. We only remember those who use their personal influence. In business a good manager listens and pays attention to what is going on around them. They ensure that their own learning is greater than or equal to the changes that are taking place within their environment.  They actively demonstrate and show leadership within their role. It is how they behave towards others and not what they say that encourages you to support them. They are fair in their approach and look to develop the capabilities they see within others. They are not interested in their positions only in the responsibilities of their role. They serve others at the table they do not sit at the table to be served. Whatever position you may hold no matter how big or small, then lead and demonstrate the values that you wish to see within your environment, don’t wait to be served.

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Are you feeling lost?

Once there was a man wandering around in the Sahara Desert trying to find his way out.  When all of a sudden he sees an Eskimo and his team of huskies coming over the sand dunes.  Franticly the man stops the Eskimo and said “I am lost can you tell me the way out of this desert” to which the Eskimo replied “your lost, mush” We can all feel lost in our own life sometimes, not knowing where we are going.  Questioning as to whether we are in the right job, relationship or making the right decisions.  It is always good to question ourselves as to where we are at in our lives and are we in the right place for us.  Unless you question and address the issues in your life you will continue to wander around not knowing if you are in your right place. It is O.K for you to ask others for support and help with your questions.  You may not be as lost as you may feel.  There is always someone out there for you that can help, so don’t try and figure out the questions alone – ask and let’s see where your path is going.  Make things in your life happen for you and not to you.

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Happy Slipper

Have you ever worked with or met somebody that you thought that they needed a slap of the happy slipper.  I have met some individuals and you would swear they were sucking lemons all day. One would not get a smile or a positive word from them.  In their world everything is always wrong or they live in the why should I world.  They often use words like:- It will never 
, you will never
.. If only they did this
. then I would be….. It is not my fault….. its them… Why would you do that
. its not my job I would be better off only for

.. They seems to produce energy that is full of negativity always looking for others to blame for how they feel.   There is a  lack of not taking personal responsibility , I am sure you know what I mean, well my answer is they need a  Slap of the Happy Slipper

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Calling it as it is

On Friday last while driving I was listening to the radio and Kevin Myers was in discussions with George Hook.  They were discussing would you walk passed a fight on the street if you saw one happening or would you intervene.  Kevin said he would not get involved for several reasons especially given the current environment (drugs and the high level of violence) in which we live in.  Even though one might like to think they would go to the aid of one of the individuals involved most people would not intervene.  Whether you believe one should or not intervene is not the question, there is plenty written about this subject. A text was sent into the radio programme and Kevin seemed to get very animated and angry about a text message.  The text from a listener was a comment around his personal safety and assisting others to have him beaten up.  At first I thought what are you getting so upset about Kevin, but as I listened to what he had to say I thought well fair play to you, you are right.  We are much better off with individuals who call it as they see it, are happy to speak out for others and put their own name to what they have to say.  Individuals that don’t hide behind others who accept accountability for what they say and write and who are honest in their views and opinions.  Individuals who just don’t say what is expected of them. Whether one likes what Kevin Myers has to say or not, whether one agrees or not with his opinions, one has to admire him for being honest and true to his beliefs. Finding out who and what you are in life, being true to yourself is vital, we could do with a lot more individuals who call it as it is.

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16.2 Miles for AWARE

On St Patrick.s Day I walked from Dun Laoghaire Harbour to Howth Harbour in aid of AWARE (their strap line is helping to defeat depression) a total of 16.2 miles.  It was a beautiful day and all along the route we met many other walkers with happy smiles on their faces.  It started out great with some fast walking, as I reached Sutton Cross I could feel my legs getting weak and very sore, with only 2.3 miles left to go.  It would be true to say that I would not walk this type of distance in one go.  I try and walk every day for 30- 40 minutes only.  So I needed to maintain focus and determination to complete this walk especially at the final mile or so.  After setting out from Dun Laoghaire at 10.45am I finally reached Howth Harbour at 15.15 which included a short 30 minute break along the way. I met some lovely people who had taken part in the walk as we all enjoyed a well deserved cool drink. I was delighted with my achievement and I was just one of several hundred other walkers who took part, especially a young boy from Monaghan aged 10 years named Ethan. I would say he was one of the youngest walkers.  I have posted some of the photos I took along the way on the gallery page. Visit the AWARE web site , one never knows you could join us next year. The Tattoo on the leg of a walker reads “Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt”

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Getting on or getting by?

It is not what happens to you but what you do and how you react with what happens to you that shapes your future.  You can make that difference. Never lose you, because you are unique and you should always want that distinction. Ask yourself are you getting on in your life or getting by?

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I can’t – two small words

You can’t what? – Yes you can, just believe in yourself.  Make that commitment, discipline yourself to deliver on what you want to achieve and have the determination to succeed for you.  Come alive in yourself. So let me hear you say “I can” – now that’s sound better already. Commitment – Discipline – Determination – three big words Howard Thurman once said – “Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

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Our Children

Parents – what do we owe our children?  No matter what ones financial or living conditions are in life there are five key elements that we owe to the children that we bring into this world:- Love and protection – to help them grow and be safe in this world Education – the best education you are able to afford for them Good Manners- how to behave towards each other, in the community and in their society Our World – the responsibility to contribute and leave the world in a better condition then they found it Memories – create happy and positive memories for them growing up so that they will have them for their children Nobody gets the book on the “how to” with children – we all have to learn as we go, thats the experience.  There maybe good times and bad times but they will pass.  Our children come through us we don’t own them, all we have to do is to care for them until they go on their own way and live their life and dreams. “Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but the feeling that you cherished them” -Richard L. Evans

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Simple Things

Seven simple things you can do any day you choose too, try one of them and see how you feel. Parking Ticket – give your parking ticket with some reminding time on it to a fellow motorist who is parking on the same street or leave your ticket in or on the parking ticket machine. Toll Bridge – if you are driving through a cash toll, paid for the car behind you. Coffee – if you are buying a coffee in the morning, buy one for the person behind you or pay the sales person for an extra coffee so the next person who comes into the coffee shop gets their for free. Smile – at somebody who needs it. Crying – if you see somebody on the street or in your workplace crying  just check they are O.K. Hello – call to your neighbour on each side of you and introduce yourself if you don’t already know them. If you do know who they are go one door further until you find the neighbours you don’t know -yet Listen – just listen to that person who needs someone to talk today – you don’t have to be able to fix their issue just to be able to listen. It starts with you making the choice to act – give it a go!

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